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All in this Together

We are all in this together, aren't we? We have encounters which spark the heart remind us to have courage to be our fullest selves and go forward, with Allah's grace, in the path of serving others through our gifts, strengths, and passion. We each do it in a different way. I get the immense pleasure of being in the world & serving through music, thanks to influential support of friends, family and mentors. Music is not only a way to solve our divides and dissonance. Music and musical ways of knowing in themselves are the solution. As humans we get the chance of meeting a variety of people who affirm and continue to keep the passion fired up. Let's keep doing that for and with each other. Our call to action: Using our knowledge, in whatever field to serve others. And as many research studies from esteemed universities and organizations have shown, music is an equally relevant field of knowledge in our cognitive & human development. Let's not sweep it under the mat anymore.

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