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A sample of videos demonstrating my love for choral music, how it intersects with the Muslim world and creates unique sonic encounters with others.
ICT Opening

Choir at Opening of Ismaili Centre Toronto


​​​Nur: Reflections on Light​ commissioned by the Aga Khan Museum, premiered by the Elmer Iseler Singers and Guest Ismaili Singers, Lydia Adams Conductor | September 12, 2014. 


Kpanlongo by Derek Bermel


Performed by the UBC Choral Union at Chan Centre for the Performing Arts
Vancouver, BC Canada | Friday, February 17, 2012


View Video Here

Cor Flammae: Benjamin Britten - Advance Democracy


Reincarnations: Cor Flammae's debut concert with Queer Arts Festival | July 24th, 2014


TEDxTerryTalks: Choral Music: The Road to Harmony and Peace


Independently produced TEDx event at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada | November 5th, 2011. 
Filmed by Craig Ross: Video edited by David Ng

Invocation (arr. Hussein Janmohamed)


The Canadian Ismaili Muslim Choir published a CD including this song "Invocation" which is a combination of sounds of nature "Way Hay Hee Yo Yo" and the text of Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the most Merciful) melodized with the old Christian carol "Ubi Caritas et amor, Deus ibi est" (Where charity and love are, there God is)

Kad Procvatu Behari (arr. Mario Katavic)


The Canadian Ismaili Muslim Youth choir published a CD including this song popularized in Bosnia

Night of the Music Makers


Collaborative creation with Ismaili Muslim youth in Ottawa, ON. Young artists with diverse musical backgrounds came together one evening to jam and explore arrangements of traditional chant. This a cappella version emerged around 4AM in the morning after 7 hours feasting and making music.

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